Thursday, November 19, 2009

One month to go

I'll be leaving Ireland exactly one month today. There's a feeling of inevitability to that.

#18 / 21 Dayton beat #19 / 19 Georgia Tech. GT is in the ACC and plays Duke and UNC two times apiece this season, so this win will pay good dividends for the RPI and SOS.

Last Sunday I found out that the self-defense club trains on the weekends. We did some Jujitsu / Judo and a bit of Eskrima. My back was sore for a few days, since I haven't quite figured out how to properly break my falls yet. On the bright side, Saturdays are Kenpo days and I should be a little more proficient at that.

I've been much more busy with school. I feel like I'm in college again. I even had a microeconomics exam on Wednesday. Although I've been to two classes all semester, I still feel I scored around 75%. Good for a B over here.
On the bright side, I found out that, out of Sociology, Psychology, and Economics, only two of three classes will count to graduation.

This weekend, I'm also playing basketball with the Chinese students and might possibly be going to Dublin. If so, there will be more pictures. There's also some computer work to do.

My computer class has definately been my favorite. It's kind of a survey style class, so we cover a new topic every three weeks. Information Theory was okay, but the next subject was quite interesting. Multiple View Geometry involves feature recognition and some cool stuff called epipolar geometry. At the end of it, we were able to use two pictures taken from slightly different angles and reconstruct a three-dimensional scene from them. Cool beans.

I'm off to do more homework-type stuff.


  1. Mosh -- Maybe some of us missed you and will be happy to have you back home.

    It was nice to have a post where you actually talked abou school. Have you stopped being a sad panda?

    When you get home, you can see my mad martial arts skills.


  2. I taught martial arts to your mother when she was very young so that she would be socially acceptable once she started school and also able to hold her own in this mad, mad world.

    I also will be glad to have you home as my prayer-line gets frayed everytime you enter a pub.

    Love you,

